Friday, 5 August 2011

Full camp Hungarian improvisation session!

We have just had a whole music music camp improvisation session based on the Hungarian scale. We split into groups who worked on drones and rhythms, fast melodies and slow melodies all based on the given mode. We then came together to play our newly composed piece of music which we then recorded. The session was lead by Laura our folk tutor who is the Manx music specialist for the Manx Heritage Foundation on the Isle of Mann. It sounded fantastic!


  1. Hello, really enjoying your blog and photos. What fun you are all having! Good luck for the show tomorrow. Portia :0)

  2. Interested parent7 August 2011 at 14:25

    Would love to hear the Hungarian improvisation - any chance the recording could be posted on the blog ?

  3. Hello Portia !!
    Hope all is well with you. will give you a call to catch up. Sarah X
