Friday, 23 July 2010

We're Off!

Hurray for Dawn and her team!. All the pots are being washed in preparation for three weeks camps, The two marquees are up and the showers and loos have arrived!!
The first lot of tents go up tonight so thanks to Graham, John and all the stables helpers, and a big thank you to Graham and Julie who have been beavering in the office for weeks making it all happen.
Be excited!!!!
Essential supplies.

I will be blogging now throughout camp, so please leave comments so I know who has been visiting the blog.


  1. Oooooh! It's actually happening....can't wait until T2!

  2. Wonderful to see the T1 2010 photos and the images from yesteryear - it is a record of my life! Looking forward to celebrating the 40th anniversary at J1 with many special friends.
    Alison and Team Tumber
