Saturday, 31 July 2010

T2 staff arrive.

Caroline Robinson, this weeks camp director with children Charlotte and Alex. T2 staff have just arrived.Here they are taking time to enjoy a bit of quiet and relaxation!!

The End of T1

Thank you staff and campers of T1 for making it a week to remember. The afternoon was really enjoyable and the performances so totally captured the essence and spirit of camp. It was so evident that everyone had a musically fulfilling and enjoyable week and this was so exciting to see. Thank you all again!

Friday, 30 July 2010

Thank you James

Thank you James, for directing another fantastic week. Looking forward to tomorrow.

Last nights campfire

Thursday, 29 July 2010


The camp orchestra had a full run through today of all three pieces. All went well, especially a new tango arrangement featuring an entire accordion section! Woodwind and strings

How many orchestras have you seen with an accordion section?.

Choreography and vocals

Campers group

A few pictures from this afternoon at camp. All is going well, and there are some very exciting projects emerging. It was nice today seeing groups of campers preparing group items, and forming their own ensembles and groups
We were able to come by footage of the first camps that Avril had put onto video. Dave edited some of it, and showed the campers. They were amazed at how basic everything was, and will be recreating some of what they saw in the sports this afternoon (Walking backwards race and egg and spoon). A few familiar faces in the film, Avril, Jacqui and Alec Dankworth, Alison Tumber, Jane Lloyd, Neil Conti and me playing bassoon among others. We hope to show it all three camps.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010


Introducing Julie Higgins who is our new camps administrator and education assistant at the Stables. Julie has been in her full time post a few months now, and we are thrilled to have her. Amongst other things, she deals with the set up and infrastructure of camps and campers applications. She is very creative and efficient, and has jolly good ideas!. We had a surprise visit from Cheryl Robinson (as was) yesterday. Cheryl is well known to many, and has been a member of staff for some years. She had a little break from camp to have two children, but we are hoping to have her back SOON.

More pictures from T1 tomorrow

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

A look at what has been happening today. Camp is going well, and there is a lovely feel about it.
This is the big band in the theatre.
James rehearsing his solo for tonight's concert.
An exciting collaboration between the accordions and harmonicas playing Stevie Wonder. This is a rare and encouraging site. I'm not sure when the last time was that a group like this played in this country.

The folk tent

Handbells meeting for only the second time.

Harmonica ensemble

Staff admiring Rob's Kiddie xylophone.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Unless its escaped anyones notice, its our 40th anniversary this year. Amongst other things, there will be a film crew in and out of camp over the three weeks making a documentary in celebration of all things music camp.

More news from T1 tomorrow.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

T1 campers arrive in the SUN!!

The reception committee Adam Watts (accordion tutor) adds a bit of musical atmosphere to the welcome desk.

The welcome desk

Dr Who ( actually Steve Askew Pop/Rock tutor and very famous person)

Saturday, 24 July 2010

T1 staff start to arrive

James Sills, Camp director T1, and Dawn Christmas administrator Amy and Rob Chalmers and baby Joe (his first music camp)
Dave and fiona.

Friday, 23 July 2010

We're Off!

Hurray for Dawn and her team!. All the pots are being washed in preparation for three weeks camps, The two marquees are up and the showers and loos have arrived!!
The first lot of tents go up tonight so thanks to Graham, John and all the stables helpers, and a big thank you to Graham and Julie who have been beavering in the office for weeks making it all happen.
Be excited!!!!
Essential supplies.

I will be blogging now throughout camp, so please leave comments so I know who has been visiting the blog.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

40th anniversary reunion

A date for your diary!

We will be having a 40th anniversary Music Camp reunion on Sunday 10th October (the same day as the directors meeting to make things a bit easier). Please tell ex campers and staff about it and let Julie Higgins at The Stables know if you would like to come. Invitations will be sent out to the people for whom we have addresses, but we don't want to miss anyone. Please pass on names and addresses of people who should be there!.

There will be entertainment on the day,and some food, as well as plenty of time to reminisce and share photos and stories.

Write it down now!

Monday, 5 July 2010

Its starting!!

Just to let you know that the mess marquee goes up tomorrow. The grass has been cut ready. Very exciting!